When Kinder combine into one god, despite having two souls, he/she becomes one entity. Using they, them, etc. as a third sex/third person singular gender neutral pronoun thus becomes misleading, implying to the reader that the one god with two souls is still two entities. Furthermore, using he/she, his/her, etc. is cumbersome. Many authors have made up pronouns to deal with this. I tried them out, and they all sounded jarring and distracting when read aloud. Some transgenders/gender neutral people have adopted: they, them, their, theirs, themselves; as third person singular gender neutral, and it sounds okay when read aloud.

Thus, what I have chosen to do is to give these words an alternate spelling when they are singular, for clarification purposes. Thus, in my books, the third sex/ third person singular gender neutral pronouns are: thay (s/he, he/she), thym (him/her), thayr (his/her), thayrs (his/hers), thymself (himself/herself).

These words can be thought of as Shatterish third-sex pronouns used as loan words for this book. This includes all types of third sex humanoids: androgynous, hermaphroditic, transgender, asexual, sexless, etc.

This works great with everything but the verbs "is" and "are". APA style suggests writing "they are" and not "they is"* so I will follow this and write thay are, because it sounds better, even if the grammar is wrong. This is how grammar exceptions are born.

Forward from Taste of Void

Regarding third sex/third person
singular gender-neutral pronouns
*See: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they